Pataua Oil

Oenocarpus Bataua Fruit Oil

Traditional Use & Properties*

Omega9, Melanin Synthesis, Hair Tonic,
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Pataua Oil

Pataua oil is not only known for its hydrating and antioxidant effects in skin and hair care, but also as a mild gourmet oil with a delicate chocolate note due to its olive oil-like fatty acids.

Pataua: The hair shine miracle

Pataua: The hair shine miracle The fatty acid spectrum of Pataua oil is almost identical to that of olive oil. The natives use the oil like we in Europe use olive oil. Pataua has a remarkable composition of sulfur-containing amino acids and is even used by indigenous people as a breast milk substitute for infants and is used to treat inflammation of the respiratory tract. Pataua is firmly connected with the tradition of the indigenous people and it is the secret for shiny-silky hair. In natural cosmetics Pataua oil is thus suitable as an anti-aging and hair care oil.

Pataua fruits

Pataua fruits The Pataua palm grows up to 25 meters high and the fruits are slightly larger than olives. They are processed by us directly after harvesting fresh by phase separation at room temperature to our pataua oil. This preserves all the bioactive ingredients. Pataua oil is one of the most potent vegetable oils and contains an abundance of vitamins, omega-3, -6 and -9 fatty acids and a unique amino acid profile similar to that of breast milk or beef. It is also one of the best remedies for the treatment of dandruff and scabs

Benefits of Pataua oil:

Benefits of Pataua oil:
– Strengthens & moisturizes hair follicles.
– Absorbs quickly without being greasy
– Rich in bioactive plant sterols and stanols
– Natural anti-dandruff effect
– Seductive gourmet oil for hot & cold cooking

*All statements are based on literature references or the basis of oral tradition by indigenous peoples and are informal in nature or merely describe traditional use in the state of Amazonas. They may be derived from in vitro or animal studies and therefore, according to the EU, not proven on humans. The claims have not been evaluated by competent authorities and they do not refer to finished products. The marketer of a finished product containing AMANACI raw materials as an ingredient is responsible for ensuring that the product claims are legitimate and comply with the applicable laws and regulations of the country in which the product is sold.